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"Do it right the first time"​ a misleading name for a Great concept

Updated: Jan 12, 2021

Does it really make sense, “Do it right the first time “?

Isn’t it a paradox?

Doing it right the first time is not as simple as it sounds. This common saying is used way too much for the paradox it imposes. Is it truly possible to succeed on the first attempt without practice?

As it shows, fulfilling accomplishments are gained when you do your best, every single time.

Critically acclaimed Canadian journalist Malcolm Gladwell published Outliers in 2008,

a blockbuster psychology book -in all irony- on success.

Based on research led by K. Anders Ericsson, the author reveals a golden theory of success:

the 10,000 Hour Rule. Gladwell explains that the key to becoming “world-class” in any field, is to practice the specific task for at least 10,000 hours.

To the dot, the 10,000 hours patently does not magically hand out wisdom. But hard work, patience and perseverance guarantee it.

The base of accomplishment sets in trial and error and your playing against time. the question is how far can one go to perfection, prior to experimenting?

“Right the first time” is flawed and undeniably unpredictable. This concept is applied in production management as the leading process of a final product: firstly research and designing, then testing, improving, and testing again until perfection, only to then validate it.


Yes, you got it right, but have you really got it right the first time?!!?

Yes, you might have excelled in your end result over time, but does the entirety of your testing and operations preceding to achievement deserve the simple title of doing it right the first time?

The origin of the saying englobes the sum of the production management, but the words do not reflect the hard work.


One may ask, why does the saying even matter if the concept is understood?

Some will take the words with a grain of salt., while others, will stay above the surface of the interpretation. This leaves room for misconceptions shaming hardworking people into deeming their mistakes as failures.

Stressing our team is the last thing we want. This overrated saying prevents from experimenting, reduces confidence, and minimizes the possibilities of triumph

I believe that words matter. “Do Your Best Every Single Time” is an encouraging name for an efficient concept: investment in training, applying risk management techniques to empower our team, opting for a balance between quality and deadline, and measuring progress instead of counting errors.


Do Your Best Every Single Time



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